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Walk & Talk Therapy

  • Physical Health Improvement:  Regular walking boosts physical health, improving cardiovascular function, weight management, and overall energy levels

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity:  Physical activity, like walking, increases blood flow to the brain, which can enhance cognitive function and promote mental clarity.

  • Reduced Symptoms of Depression & Anxiety:​  Walking in nature can lower anxiety and depression symptoms, thanks to mood-boosting endorphins.

  • Increased Creativity:  Movement boosts creativity, helping clients explore thoughts more openly than in a traditional office.

  • Lowered Barriers:  Walking side-by-side reduces intimidation and promotes openness by avoiding direct eye contact and formal settings of traditional therapy.

  • Connection with Nature:  Being outdoors grounds individuals, fostering connection with nature, beneficial for those feeling disconnected.

  • Improved Stress Management:  Physical activity and nature's calm work together to lower stress and promote relaxation.

  • Accessibility and Flexibility:  Offers a refreshing and motivating alternative for those uncomfortable in traditional therapy environments.

  • Increased Engagement and Consistency:  Clients more eager for fresh air and new settings may stick with therapy longer, potentially enhancing outcomes.

  • Promotes Mindfulness:  Walking in nature encourages mindfulness and present-moment awareness, which are key components in many therapeutic processes.

Walk & Talk therapy offers a unique and effective approach to your mental health and well being.


Create Balance Healing Arts Collective 

1050 Main Street, Unit 34
East Greenwich, RI 02818

© 2024 by Create Balance. Created on Wix Studio.
All rights reserved.

Tel:  401-302-6211
Fax:  401-204-0956

A hidden sanctuary in Greenwich Village Business Complex 
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Create Balance Healing Arts Collective 

1050 Main Street, Unit 34
East Greenwich, RI 02818

© 2024 by Create Balance. Created on Wix Studio.
All rights reserved.

Tel:  401-302-6211
Fax:  401-204-0956

A hidden sanctuary in Greenwich Village Business Complex 
  • Instagram
  • Facebook

We respect your privacy. Privacy policy

Create Balance Healing Arts Collective 

© 2024 by Create Balance. Created on Wix Studio.
All rights reserved.

Tel:  401-302-6211
Fax:  401-204-0956

1050 Main Street, Unit 34
East Greenwich, RI 02818

A hidden sanctuary in Greenwich Village Business Complex 
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
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